Freertos Interrupt Example

Active8 years, 6 months ago

ARM Cortex-M Interrupts and FreeRTOS (Part 3). These three interrupts need to be routed to the FreeRTOS port. Below is an example interrupt vector table for the NXP K20. Interrupt handling in FreeRTOS Posted by richardbarry on June 8, 2010 If your interrupt is wanting to cause a context switch, or wanting to call a FreeRTOS API function, then the wrapper is required – as per the documentation and examples. Mar 19, 2011  FreeRTOS itself only defines what RTOS calls are valid in an ISR. The OpenPicus hardware uses a PIC24. The FreeRTOS demo code for PIC24 includes a timer interrupt and serial interrupt examples in.DemoPIC24MPLABtimertest.c and.DemoPIC24MPLABserialserial.c respectively. The examples use Microchip's PIC24 compiler syntax. Jun 12, 2019  FreeRTOS example for STM32. Follow this FreeRTOS tutorial on STM32 microcontroller to see ho it is easy to scale your project and still have a full control of operations. First of all, we need to build a template which includes all necessary FreeRTOS source files. We need to import the FreeRTOS folder to our project tree. API functions that are called from ISR callback must have prefix 'FromISR' (xSemaphoreGiveFromISR). They are designed for Interrupt safe API functions. 2.1.1 Demo - We will re-use this demo, but using FreeRTOS style and Binary semaphore to process the interrupt. 2.1.2 Hardware. Has any one successfully been able to connect the Zynq PL interrupt to the PS running the FreeRTOS OS? All the documentation and search results related to Zynq PL-PS Interrupts seem to throw up results related to Stand Alone BSP based applications.

Hi I'm trying to use the OpenPicus devKit for a project I am working on and to my understanding the IDE, upon new project creation, creates code that basically utilizes FreeRTOS and OpenPicus libraries.

What I am trying to figure out is how to use interrupts with the FreeRTOS kernel, or through OpenPicus (i dont think this is possible). I have read that the ISRs in FreeRTOS can be specified with the __attribute__ ( ( signal ) ) directive but how are they linked to specific interrupts?(uart or even a pin just going high?)

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1 Answer

Interrupt handling is architecture, and often compiler specific rather than specific to FreeRTOS. FreeRTOS itself only defines what RTOS calls are valid in an ISR.

The OpenPicus hardware uses a PIC24. The FreeRTOS demo code for PIC24 includes a timer interrupt and serial interrupt examples in [..]DemoPIC24_MPLABtimertest.c and [..]DemoPIC24_MPLABserialserial.c respectively. The examples use Microchip's PIC24 compiler syntax. If you are using an alternative compiler, you will need to consult its documentation.

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Active1 year, 6 months ago

I'm bassically trying to get a LED to light up after I push a button. Bellow is the snippet of the code that's supposed to handle this:

The way I'm envisioning this is that task_ctrl gives the semaphore on button press. Task_player1 is blocked until it takes the semaphore after which it should turn on the LED.

Freertos Queue Uart

The problem is it never seems to take the semaphore. I'm running the printf statements to show me how far the program reaches and it never gets into the part where the LED lights up. But when I run xSemaphoreGive without the button press in task_ctrl the semaphore is taken.

The weird part is that Semaphore given statement gets printed out on button click which should mean that the semaphore is given as well but never gets taken.

The tasks work on their own, I've even managed to give the semaphore without the button press if-statement like I stated above. Huawei e3372 drivers.

I'm guessing it's something with the button press code, which also works on it's own outside the tasks. So what am I doing wrong? Am I not using the FreeRTOS correctly?

Edit: Including the task creation code

Edit 2: Probably something I should've mentioned is that I'm using FreeRTOS 7.3 since Atmel Studio doesn't have any newer versions. So no yield functions are available as far as I can tell.


Freertos Interrupt Example For Resume


1 Answer

task_ctrl never blocks - which will prevent any task of equal or lower priority from ever running. So if task_player is equal or lower priority the the task will never be scheduled even when the semaphore is given.

It appearing to work without the button polling is harder to explain, but you have not shown that code so I cannot comment.

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You should do two things:

  1. Ensure that task_ctrl has lower priority that at least task_player1 (and lower than any task if it does not block - the idle task will never run in this case).
  2. Ensure that task_ctrl blocks - even if that is just a polling delay, so that it does not eat up all available CPU cycles.

One possible problem with task_ctrl is that it will give the semaphore continuously and repeatedly while the button is held. Some sort of state change detection and switch de-bounce rather then level polling might be preferable.


An alternative solution to a polling task is to use a hardware interrupt for teh button and have either the polling task block on an event from the ISR, or have the ISR give the semaphore directly - in either case you will have to deal with debounce.

Freertos Interrupt Handler Example


Zynq Freertos Interrupt Example

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